Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput's untimely demise has brought a lot of unsaid things to the fore including the fact that his feature in Chhichhore first look poster was what inspired Vijay's double role in Bigil. The said poster which came out in late 2018 depicted Sushant Singh Rajput and his co-stars in two different time-frames and the lead actor's portrayal of both the younger and older version of himself is said to have prompted Bigil makers to do the same for Vijay.
Bigil director Atlee had already revealed that the 'Rayappan' character was not written for Vijay originally and now the movie's creative producer Archana Kalpathi has added that after seeing Sushant Singh Rajput in the two different looks for the Nitesh Tiwari film, they implemented the idea for Vijay as well.