Sun Pictures produced Raayan is an upcoming gangster action thriller written, directed and lead by actor Dhanush. The movie's cast updates have been dropping in lately on a day-to-day basis, and latest to be revealed as part of Raayan's cast is actress Varalaxmi Sarathkumar.
Varalaxmi is the third female lead to be unveiled after Aparna Balamurali and Dushara Vijayan. So far actors SJ Suryah, Prakash Raj, Sundeep Kishan, Kalidas Jayaram, Selvaraghavan have also been revealed to be part of Raayan's cast.
Raayan is scheduled to release in 2024 in Tamil, Telugu (dubbed) and Hindi (dubbed) languages. The technical crew of Raayan includes AR Rahman for music, Om Prakash for cinematography, Prasanna GK for edits, Jacki for production design and Peter Hein for action choreography.