Brother written and directed by M Rajesh is an upcoming comedy drama starring Jayam Ravi, Priyanka Mohan in the lead. A production venture of Screen Scene Media Entertainment, Brother has Harris Jayaraj for music, and has now been confirmed as a Diwali 2024 release. An official announcement on Brother release date is however awaited.
Brother joins biographical military drama Amaran starring Sivakarthikeyan, Sai Pallavi, as a Tamil Diwali release this October. Amaran is based on Chapter 7 of the book India's Most Fearless - True Stories of Modern Military Heroes, by Shiv Aroor and Rahul Singh, has screenplay by Stefan Ritcher, Rajkumar Periasamy, and is directed by Rajkumar Periasamy.
Amaran, a production venture of Kamal Haasan and Sony Pictures, is scheduled to hit theater screens on October 31, 2024. Buzz in the grapevine is that one more Tamil movie will be joining Brother, Amaran at the Diwali box-office this year.