Star actor Kamal Haasan dropped a bombshell of an announcement last evening, when he officially confirmed not returning as the host of reality TV show Bigg Boss Tamil. Kamal Haasan quit Bigg Boss Tamil after 7 seasons, and all eyes are now on who will replace the Ulaganayagan.
Currently four star actors are said to be in consideration. Bigg Boss Tamil Season 8 will most likely be hosted by one of these actors - Arvind Swami, Prakash Raj, Silambarasan TR, Ramya Krishnan. Prakash Raj and Arvind Swami have previously worked with Star Vijay as the host of the game show Neengalum Vellalam Oru Kodi in 2013 and 2016 respectively.
Ramya Krishnan and Silambarasan TR have previously stepped in for Kamal Haasan to guest host Bigg Boss Tamil 5 (2021) and Bigg Boss Ultimate (2022), the OTT spin-off of Bigg Boss Tamil, respectively.