9 years since their hit horror Demonte Colony (2015), actor Arulnithu Tamilarasu, and writer, director Ajay Gnanamuthu have reunited once again on a sequel titled Demonte Colony II: Vengeance Of The Unholy. The second film in this supernatural thriller franchise releases in theaters tomorrow, and here is all you need to know about Demonte Colony 2:
- Release Date: August 15, 2024 (Thursday)
- Language: Tamil, Telugu (Dubbed)
- Genre: Horror, Thriller, Supernatural
- Censor: U/A
- Runtime: 2 hours 24 minutes and 16 seconds (144.16 minutes)
- Plot: Srinivasan (Arulnithi) whose spirit is shown to have left his mortal body in the first movie, is now a wandering ghost. The spirit is accidentally summoned by Priya Bhavani Shankar and a Tibetan exorcist, which then alerts them of the imminent danger his brother Raghu (also Arulnithi) is in. How and why these characters travel back to Chennai's haunted neighbourhood Demonte Colony (both in the franchise and real life), is what forms the rest of the story.
- Cast/Character
- Arulnithi - Srinivasan/Ragu
- Priya Bhavani Shankar
- Tsering Dorjee - Tibetan Exorcist
- Antti Jääskeläinen - John Demonte
- Arun Pandian
- Muthukumar
- Meenakshi Govindarajan
- Sarjano Khalid
- Archana Ravichandran - Aishwarya
- Writing: Ajay Gnanamuthu
- Co- writers: Venkatesh, Rajavel
- Direction: Ajay Gnaamuthu
- Music: Sam CS
- Lyrics: Mohanrajan
- Audio/Music Label: Think Music
- Cinematography: Harish Kannan
- Edit: Kumaresh D
- Production Design: Ravi Pandian
- Stunt: Ganesh
- VFX: Pixel Light Studio
- DI: B2H Studios
- Colourist: Raghunath Varma, Arun Sangameshwar
- Costume Design: Navadevi Rajkumar, Malini Karthikeyan
- VFX Supervisor: Fazil
- Sound Design: Sync Cinema
- Sound Mix: Aravind Menon
- Publicity Designs: Prathool NT
- Production: BTG Universal, Gnanamuthu Pattarai, White Nights Entertainment
- OTT (Post-Theatrical):
- Satellite (Post Theatrical):