Synopsis/Plot : An underdog of a rural village survives as many obstacles as he can to overcome his societal status.
Critics Review
Bitterly Melodramatic, yet Holds Well!
Speaks volumes about caste politics in a bold manner. A dry subject that is thankfully crisp and has enough engaging stuff happening. But misses out on craft to suit the cinematic sensibilities.(more)
Source: Ashwin Ram, MovieCrow
A middling film with occasional moments and underwritten characters
Nandhan is a film with good intent made on a serious subject that has its moments, especially on the comedy front. However, the film falls short of effectively portraying the world it is set in and the character that inhabits it. Of course, the film doesn�t make a parody of its characters but with t...(more)
Source: Roopa, Times Of India
A good-intentioned misfire that needed to have a lot more than just its heart in the right place
Making the naturally dusky people look duskier is a mentality issue, and it needs to be addressed soon enough before we are pulled into the baseless and reductive argument that people from a certain community should only look a certain way. This distraction takes away from Sasikumar�s performance in...(more)
Source: Avinesh , Indian Express